Erasmus+, KA2 Kształcenie i szkolenia zawodowe, projekt partnerski pt.: „#OurStories”, nr: 2020-1-PL01-KA202-082168


A few didactic hours were devoted to computer graphics and photo processing in the curriculum for the IT technician profession. The subject of e-commerce, e-sport, online games and steaming is almost completely omitted, which may seem obvious to some, because it is mainly entertainment and so in the busy schedule, the teacher should wisely manage the time for the other, very important content, without which a graduate of this profession will not appear in the current labour market. Of course, there is no doubt that learning these modern trends of functioning on the web is a novelty and knowledge addressed mainly to young people, but they will constitute future generations and future employees in modern companies.

We started by verifying whether it was necessary and useful at all, and then how to devote time to interesting and absorbing students’ knowledge classes in this topic and direct them to become interested in current trends in online streaming, graphics or games so that those who the elements will interest or tie their future with „work” on the web, they could learn something more.

In recent years, public awareness and interest in so-called movies, ubiquitous computer graphics, online commerce, and computer games and techniques associated with the use and combination of these solutions have reached an incredible scale.

Specialists, programmers as well as marketers and traders face a daily challenge to meet the needs of customers from around the world: from movies on social networking sites, through graphics in online stores, to large-budget online games bringing together millions of players and fans. Therefore, teachers must be familiar with these IT solutions and be creative in offering to learn about them to meet the needs of students and offer interesting graduates.

The main goal of the project is to bring the results of vocational education related to the IT industry closer to the needs of the labour market and the interests of students during 23 months.

The project involves the implementation of educational innovation and the promotion of new technologies and the development of models for confirming / recognizing competences acquired in the project by a group of local employers and school representatives. The innovation will be based on international and joint development taking into account the experience of employers from the IT market, e-sport and e-marketing of the non-formal education program (both – technical school students in any field of study and students of other vocational schools).

The main goal will be achieved when we achieve the following specific objectives:
– increasing the quality and efficiency of vocational education in the IT industry in response to current trends,
– developing new skills for practicing educators and equipping them with competences and knowledge necessary to provide high-quality educational services and in response to these trends,
– enhancing the social mission to promote vocational training that meets the needs of European employers and the IT solutions used.

Cele szczegółowe projektu:

– podniesienie jakości i efektywności edukacji zawodowej w branży informatycznej,
– wypracowanie nowych umiejętności u już praktykujących pedagogów i wyposażenie ich w kompetencje i wiedzę niezbędną do świadczenia usług edukacyjnych o wysokiej jakości
– promocja kształcenia zawodowego odpowiadającego potrzebom europejskich pracodawców i stosowanych rozwiązań informatycznych.


W ramach projektu zostaną zrealizowane 2 programy szkoleniowe dla nauczycieli/specjalistów (pierwszy w dziedzinie grafiki, mediów, filmu, drugi w dziedzinie e-commerce i e-sportu). Zrealizowane zostaną łącznie 3 mobilności uczniów ze szkół partnerskich (pierwsza w fazie pilotażowej, druga w fazie wdrożeniowej i trzecia w drugim roku trwania projektu, wraz z organizacją turnieju gier w polskich szkołach).


Czas realizacji:

01.12.2020 – 31.10.2022



Instytucje partnerskie:



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